This episode focuses on two current student narratives from Randi Jennings (T’24) and Stephany Perez-Sanchez (T’25). Randi and Stephany are the Duke LIFE student organization co-presidents for the 2023-2024 academic year and are South Carolina natives. The first half of this episode follows Randi’s education trajectory from childhood to Duke and delves into her decision to forgo a pre-med track at Duke to pursue political science and pre-law instead. For the second half of the episode Victoria talks with Stephany about her educational trajectory in which we discuss her Latinx identity, medical school dreams and what it’s like being pre-med at Duke.
Listen to Episode 3
Audio Transcript
Randi Jennings (T’24)
Randi is from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She is a graduating senior who is studying political science and human rights. In her free time she likes to play video games and board games and hang out with her cat. She hopes to go to law school after working in D.C. for her gap year.
Stephany Perez-Sanchez (T’25)
Stephany is from Lancaster, South Carolina and is a rising senior. She is Mexican American and aspires to be a physician. She is studying neuroscience and chemistry on the pre-med track. Her involvements include working at the Duke Neurology Center editing podcasts where she interviews doctors focused on epilepsy. She is involved in the Latinx Affinity spaces on campus as well as the Cardea Fellows program.
Cardea Fellpws
Pre Law Advising
Pre Health Advising
Sachelle Ford, Jenny Wood Crowley, and Nanii Ellis from the Office of Undergraduate Education- Intellectual Community department, for supporting this project from the start
Catherine Angst providing the licensed music, sounds and communications support for the podcast
Samantha Paw designed the podcast logo
Duke Student, Camila Jimenez put together the graphic template for each episode this season