
Congratulations on being admitted to Duke University! We invite you to learn more about the DukeLIFE community and resources through our virtual and in-person sessions.

In-Person Recruitment Events

DukeLIFE Dinners

What: Join current LIFE students, faculty, staff, and other admitted students for dinner and discuss what it's like to be a first-generation or lower-income student at Duke. 

Who should attend: Admitted students and their families


April 18, 5:30-7:30: GA Down Under (Gilbert-Addoms Residence Hall, Bottom Floor), East Campus

April 19 & 22, 5:30-7:30: Marketplace Dining Hall, East Campus

Register in your Choose Duke! portal

Visit Class with a DukeLIFE Student

What: Visit a current DukeLIFE student's class

When: April 18, 19, & 22 

Where: Various classroom across campus 

Register to Visit a Class

Visit the DukeLIFE Table

What: Stop by our table to learn more about what DukeLIFE offers to first-generation and lower-income students 

When: April 18, 19 & 22


7:15-9:30 AM: Bryan Center Plaza

4:00-5:30 PM: Wilson Gym 

DukeLIFE Student Panel

What: Interactive panel discussion featuring current DukeLIFE students


April 18, 3-4 PM: Gross Hall 270

April 19, 3-4 PM: Gross Hall 103